Reason Fruit Ninja

2019-04-13 • 1 min read

fruit ninja game

I attended ReasonConf 2019 this April. The last day of the conference schedule was divided by 2 parts: lightning talk in the morning and Dojo in the afternoon.

This year, there were two topics for the Dojo: using Atdgen or Reprocessing to build something interesting. You could attend one of them.

The format of Dojo is to find random people who are interested in the same topic to form a small group (approx. 3 ~ 4 people), and let the person with the least ReasonML experience in the group to do the task, with help from others with deeper knowledge.

I chose Reprocessing since it looked more attractive :p Our goal is to build a fruit ninja game! I collaborated with @wgoedel and @rudy_weber for the initial version 🙌 I basically did not have any experience of bs-native or processing. Thanks for their help for letting me figure out how to do the physics calculation (the hardest part!) and how to complete this game with minimal functionalities :D

Visit GitHub page, clone and run it to give it a try.